Background and Aims of the Project

Rising greenhouse gas emissions, the wasteful use of fossil fuels and the resulting impact on our climate have repercussions for the entire planet. In order to mitigate the impact of climate change, both the implementation of local initiatives and global projects will be of prime importance.

In this regard, previous needs analyses have shown that private households, commercial kitchens, guest-orientated businesses and communities not only have a great demand for environmental measures but also a great potential for the implementation of sustainable schemes for the protection of their local environment. These professional fields have also a great impact on social and economic improvements for employees and staff members. The needs analyses and surveys in project partner countries have shown that vocational educators and trainers are insufficient trained for a successful education on sustainability and it´s measures.

So the target group of our project are vocational educators and trainers in the fields of home economics and guest-orientated businesses.

Research findings demonstrate that there is a broad range of project results and materials in the area of sustainability, but teachers are often not able to use these results in a successful learning activity. Also in this education areas blended-learning activities are not frequently offered. The project will provide a chance for vocational teachers and trainers to participate in extra-occupational (apprenticeship) training and learn to use sources of sustainability and digital learning tools to provide a successful and sustainable teaching.

ProfESus Objectives:

To guarantee sustainable acting in the broad field of home economics the project aims to reach the following objectives:

The general aim is to contribute through digital and innovative lifelong learning for professionals to the improvement of ecological, economic and social sustainability in the EU.

General objectives:

  1. Implemented sustainable behavior in home economics profession and guest-orientated businesses.
  2. Improved access to education for sustainable behavior in profession and daily life for pupils, trainees and unskilled employees through teachers and multipliers
  3. Developed innovative ICT-based content, pedagogies and practices for lifelong learning to react on changing challenges in the field of profession mentioned above.

Specific objectives:

  1. Development of an curriculum in the amount of 8 ECVETs/ECTS and an corresponding blended-learning course with 4 modules (80 hours presence phase and 125 hours digital-learning including 70 hours tutorials for self-study and 55 hours online-learning)
  2. Pilot run of the blended-learning course
  3. Handbook with best-practice examples for vocational education on sustainability
  4. Learning materials and handbook in English will be translated into 5 national languages for successful learning and dissemination